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Spring is coming, the stream by ylq ylq
Active 5 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Spring is coming, the stream is flowing cheerfully, the grass is looking out of the head Carton Of Newports 100, the flowers are smiling, and the fish are playing in the water. I, an ordinary tree, gradually woke up after experiencing severe cold.e branches slowly crawled out of my body, and a lovely piece of young leaves came out of my body. The spring breeze and the leaves of the brothers also played elegant music, rustling, and other trees joined the "concert." Look! The bird has been flying to me, parked on my arm and accompanied the leaves brothers. I listened and indulged in this spring world. the summer, the leaves brothers gradually turned dark green, and I gradually became tall and straight. The chrysanthemum girl nodded to me and smiled Newport Cigarettes Carton Wholesale. The younger brother swayed his head and said hello to me. Look at the feet, people are enjoying the cold under my feet Cigarette Wholesale Online, and the children are playing around me. At this time, there are full of laughter and laughter.autumn, the leaves of the brothers are flying. Looking at the leaves, the brothers have disappeared into the mud and turned into green manurs that nourish me. I am both sad and moved! The birds have moved, and I should sleep. I have bid farewell to my sister-in-law, the chrysanthemum sisters, and when the last piece of fallen leaves danced, I fell asleep.only feel that my side is cooler, I open my eyes in a vague way. Behold, the leaves brothers have grown again. In this way, another touching story begins! The sky is overcast, and the dark clouds are gathering at the top of the mountain. It is very stuffy and quiet around.the bushes on the mountain Carton Of Marlboro Reds 100S, the head of the whisper whispered: "Fast, fast, fast. Prepare for the battle. You go there and put a few shells on each side." A small eight-way question; "What are the shots? The head of the team said: "There is no time, let you go quickly." Xiaoba Road is leading the w the devils all entered our encirclement."ay, go to war." hey, hey... Boom, bang, bang, the boulder on the mountain rolled down and blocked the devil's retreat. Some of them walked behind the troops and were smashed by stones Cigarettes Wholesale Online. "Wow, wow," they screamed. The Japanese commander first stunned a cold sweat and shouted: "Bastard, retreat to the mountains on both sides." The little devil rushed to the mountain. head of the team waved and shouted: "Put." The bang, the bang, the bang, the log and the rolling stone rushed down like a tide, and rushed down the devil who was trying to climb.e devils took out the gun and shot up "Hey, hey, hehe. head of the team shouted: "The machine gunner gave me a hard fight, hit!" "Hey..devils fell down, and some were forced to move under the boulder. They said, "Oh, my mother, come and save me." Some of them were pressed down the hill by dense bullets, and they dared not find their heads. The commander of the Japanese army was green: "Call, call, eight grids, mortars, mortars, mortars, fast bombings, fast!" Booming, bombing... Many soldiers were bombed. The head of the cap also fell to the ground.

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