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Syringe mold material by krista medicalmould
Active 3 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • What are the material requirements for Syringe Mould?

    Syringe mold is the most commonly used method in plastic processing. This method is suitable for all thermoplastics and some thermosetting plastics. The number of plastic products produced is beyond the reach of other molding methods. As one of the main tools for syringe mold processing, the injection pen mold is in terms of quality accuracy, manufacturing cycle and injection molding. The level of production efficiency and other aspects in the process directly affects the quality, output, cost, and product update of the product, and also determines the response ability and speed of the enterprise in the market competition.

    Material requirements for syringe molds With the development of the plastics industry, the complexity and precision of plastic products are becoming more and more demanding, and higher requirements are placed on syringe mold materials. For the production of complex, precise and corrosion-resistant plastic molds, pre-hardened steel, corrosion-resistant steel and low-carbon maraging steel can be used, all of Safety Needle Mould have better cutting, heat treatment and polishing performance and higher strength.

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