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Nintendo konnte dank Animal Crossing New Horizons einen riesigen by wu bbin
Active 4 years ago пользователь 1
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  • But, due to the worldwide pandemic, the sport exploded with income and now stands at over 26 million devices offered in much less than eight months. Nintendo is shocked through those income, however they’re additionally very satisfied with them due to the fact they intend to preserve the sport lively with diverse matters to make sure that gamers retain developing and increasing their islands for Buy Animal Crossing Bells a long term to come.

    “The income tempo of Animal Crossing: New Horizons has eased in comparison to the length round its preliminary launch, however amongst all our titles, this one maintains to preserve excessive income levels. As I noted in reaction to a preceding question, this name is likewise riding Nintendo Switch hardware income in Asian markets, that have highly smaller income numbers than the markets in Japan, the U.S. and Europe. Going forward, we are able to retain to put in force in-recreation occasions and would love to create a scenario wherein customers will preserve playing the sport for a long term. This can be the primary year-give up income season for Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and we are hoping even greater human beings will take that possibility to buy the sport.”

    Erfolg in diesem Jahr verzeichnen. Es wurden seit M?rz nun über 26 Millionen Kopien des sü?en Simulationsspiels verkauft. Aber Nintendo m?chte sich nicht auf den Lorbeeren ausruhen. Pr?sident Shuntaro Furukawa hatte w?hrend der Telefonkonferenz über die Finanzergebnisse des Quartals gesagt, dass er darauf hofft, dass noch https://www.lolga.com viele weitere Menschen die Gelegenheit zum Kauf des Spiels ergreifen.

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