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Cheap Newport 100 by ylq ylq
Active 3 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • The style and quality characteristics of smoky and mellow sweetness highlight the quality characteristics of rich aroma, elegant and pure aftertaste, and sweetness. The base rhyme of the elegant tobacco aroma is lined with fresh and sweet fruit; the aroma is sweet, mellow, rich, and elegant; the taste is pure, comfortable, sweet in the mouth, and fresh aftertaste. The packaging adopts high-tech new brushed light beam laser transfer environmentally friendly paper, with noble wine red gradient as the background color, supplemented by the golden brand name and logo Cigarettes For Sale, the composition is simple and modern, and the overall packaging gives people a white sand red luck cigarette., The product is equipped with mature and high-quality tobacco fragrance as the background, highlighting the mellow and sweet characteristics, lined with nutty, elegant, delicate and round fragrance, elegant, rich, and layered. It doesn't choke the throat when smoking, the tobacco is firm and does not fall off ash, and the aftertaste is clean. A closer look at ancient porcelain cigarettes is a mixed type, low-burn cigarette, take out the cigarette and light it, and you can feel its fresh and elegant fragrance at the entrance. This cigarette is worthy of the award-winning cigarette. It has a light taste and a charming fragrance. Take another breath and take a look at the smoke resistance. It has a very small smoke resistance, which is surprising. The smoke resistance of small cigarettes has not been improved. It is naturally smooth inhalation and has a pure aftertaste. Let me change my mind. Satisfaction is good, bursts of fragrance, comfortable and smokey, good combustion performance, and excellent balance. Taste to the middle section, there is no sticky smell, the aftertaste is sweet, and the ash is compact and off-white. The strength is moderate, the amount of smoke is abundant, the taste is sweet and sweet, and the satisfaction is good. This cigarette is more suitable for women, it is elegant, sweet and comfortable. When it burned to the cigarette butt, I reluctantly squeezed out the cigarette, the fine aftertaste, it brought my taste and enjoyment. The cigarette has an elegant fragrance, a sweet and comfortable taste Newport Cigarettes, and a good sense of satisfaction, and the ash structure is solid and beautiful Carton Of Cigarettes.
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