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    8 декабря 2021 г.

    The most effective way to begin will be questing - just like most techniques. Easy missions like The Restless Ghost, Priest in Peril, Holy Grail, and Recruitment Drive are available to guide you through the basic of Prayer technique. After that you'll have to OSRS Gold depend on the farming of bones to get higher level of prayer.

    A reliable source of Prayer income is through Dragon Killing. Their bones provide a lot of experiences and don't need very high stats. To kill Blue Dragons below the Taverley (in Taverley Dungeon) you do not require a lot of resources at all since they can be killed from a safe location. If you decide to do this, be sure to use Magic as they're weak to this particular style of combat. Use large eggs, rocks and columns to get Dragon stuck and complete them by casting your spells.

    You could also take on Green Dragons north of the Graveyard in the Wilderness. You just need to bring an Anti-Dragon Shield, food and equipment. Do not carry anything of value to ensure that you don't risk losing your money on Player Killers. It is also possible to farm on Void Knight Equipment since you'll never lose it being killed in low Wilderness. It is an excellent outfit for Dragon Killing and a safe one to use in this zone.

    All bones that you collect should be sacrificed on the Chaos Altar, but it can be a risky method and you should not take anything besides the bones that you'd like to sacrifice. It is among most Player Active zones on Runescape It is located on the 38th floor of Wilderness.

    This means that players at greater levels could be able to take on you. It's advisable to put them in the bank and conduct the Altar running once you've got enough of the bones stored however it's up you to decide whether you'd like to Cheap OSRS Accounts risk the equipment.