P2PahBest WoTLK Gold » Обсуждения » P2Pah WOTLK Classic:Pierce's presentation

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    21 марта 2023 г.

    Pierce's presentation ended with the premiere of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. The film WOW WOTLK Classic Gold opened with a voice-over featuring Arthas telling two people in a forest burning to say that "I was once just like you." After a couple of shots of a huge forge, two more humans--a male and female are shown attacked by a massive Yeti. The male escapes into a forest of snow, and is then covered by World of Warcraft. The next image shows the male dressed in dark Death Knight armor, standing in front of a seated Arthas sitting on the chair. "In the last moment, everyone has to serve the only true king," proclaimed Arthas before the convention's c lights went up.

    Earlier this week, a product listing appeared in the online database of German software ratings board Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (USK) for a World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King "WoW-demo." The listing has led some to believe that Blizzard would showcase the next expansion of the massively online online role-playing game at the upcoming Games Convention in Leipzig, which is scheduled to take place between August 23 and 26 and possibly earlier at BlizzCon later in the week. After the news was announced this Wrath of the Lich King listing disappeared from the USK database.

    But it is true that, according to the saying the more tightly the secret is squeezed and the more easily it slips between the gaps. The latest evidence that indicates that Blizzard's next expansion may be coming soon is based on the database online that is maintained by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

    The trademark was filed under the term mark "Wrath of the Lich King,"" trademarks of the title was registered to Blizzard on July 28. Wrath of the Lich King was filed on a base of 1B, which conforms to US Trademark Law, signifies "intent-to-use." As per the USPTO, "An 'intent to use' application should include the sworn declaration (usually as a statement) that the applicant has an actual intention to utilize trademarks in commercial transactions." [italics in the original[emphasis in original

    If Blizzard utilizes BlizzCon to reveal a the next WOW expansion, it will not be the first time in history. In BlizzCon 2005 The Burning Crusade made its official debut, although the existence of the game was popular a few months earlier via job announcements on the website of the developer as well as a message buy WOTLK Gold from Shane Dabiri, the lead producer on the official forums of WOW.