D2R Items gold » Обсуждения » Diablo 2 Resurrected is doused in many in-game

  • 11 марта 2023 г.

    Diablo 2 Resurrected is doused in many in-game transactionsit's like a wall of sales with exaggerated numbers to convince players that the more they buy it, the better they'll save. This D2R Items is a common practice in the mobile marketplace for ages, however different the style of presentation might have been. This is evident with Genshin Impact's Genesis Crystal store, where buying huge amounts of currency will grant players a larger amount of the exact currency. It's also evident in the case of Lapis -the currency that is paid within Final Fantasy Brave Exvius -- which titillates players with "bonus" currency that goes into the thousands for packs valuing upward of $100.

    "A most common strategy used in mobile games or any game with microtransactions involves complication of currency," an anonymous employee in the mobile game industry told me recently. "Like the case, if I were to spend $1, it could result in two currencies (gold and jewels, for example). This helps conceal the amount of cash actually spent since there isn't a one-to-one conversion. Additionally, we put worse deals [beside] other deals in order to make other deals look more lucrative and users feel they are smarter by saving out and taking advantage of the other deals."

    "In the company I worked in, we had weekly events with prizes that were unique and were created to allow you to [...] take part in the event using exclusive in-game currency that could allow you to win one of the major prizes. But designers also had to include other milestone prizes on top of the principal prize, which will normally require cash for the chance to gain an advantage in the event. We have a lot of milestones and measures to determine if an event did well is of course the amount individuals spent. We did take into account sentiment, however I'm sure the upper-levels always cared more about if the event made people spend."

    Real-money transactions aren't novel by any stretch of the imagination. Diablo 2 Resurrected didn't pioneer them and it's not honest to state that as the case. Blizzard's action-RPG isn't the root source, but it is instead the most ineffective amalgamation of hundreds of free-to-play mobile as well as PC games. It comes with two distinct Battle Passes, both with specific rewards that are exclusive to a character (and not part of your overall roster) and with too many various currencies for the average player to keep track of Diablo 2 Resurrected's economy reads like a giant mobile market.

    They are, despite being met with resistance however, have become commonplace within the gaming industry in general. One could argue that the prevalence of loot boxes or other real-money transactions in AAA games has created this type of precarious economy. However, the more AAA gaming shifts toward the model of games-as-a-service as it shifts to the games-as-service model, the more to do with mobile games that have been in this Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Items highly popular area for nearly a decade.