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FIFA and are now playing FIFA 23 by de von
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • For the PES/eFootball players out there who have migrated over to FIFA and are now playing FIFA, you're welcome . It's been a bit rough trying to get "Friends Mode" that allows us to at least play with colleagues, but this is the closest to PES dribbling as it is going to get FIFA 23 coins, so take advantage of it before the "it's not a responsive crowd" protests and EA is patching the game. On the ball, I can leave-stick to escape pressure, I can shield off players and turn them and basic areas of dribbling have all improved since last year.

    I'm an avid fan of the way that the game feels when you have the ball. I'm also looking for games that replicate the different player characteristics. Tanks such as prime Yaya Toure ought to feel different than a young Neymar. Most players will fall in between, since these two examples represent extremes. But a sense of weight with enough strength and control to conquer challenges with just a swipe of your left hand is the reason I was a fan of PES and am loving the dribbling action in FIFA 23. I've never really been a "skills" person, even in my real life, I favor the low center of gravity dribblers such as Messi and Hazard rather than step-over dribblers like Antony or Saint Maximin. Technical dribbling is a great way to help players like me bridge the gap between their skills online and practicing it offline.

    One of the biggest adjustments to FIFA 23 comes via the brand new Accelerate feature. A lot of the sluggish performance that some complain about is due to ratings and an uninformed understanding of the feature. For reference, here's a screenshot from a previous EA blog which outlines the three player archetypes:

    These player archetypes are completely ratings driven, so it's important to understand who your team members are and the way they respond and move when incorporating this into consideration. For info, here's a wonderful Twitter thread explaining how it all works and the effect it has on players:

    I'm a big fan of the three new enhancements. When it comes to the balance of play buy FUT 23 coins, Accelerate offers those long-striders like Halaand important purpose to combat the meta that is short and agile players. The only thing I would like to say is in the general direction of HyperMotion 2. It's how it affects team defending.

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